Monday, February 13, 2012


It kind of sucks when you do everything in your power to make the relationship better but yet he doesn't appreciate the things I do for him. Yes he works Monday through Friday but that doesn't give him the right not to pick up after himself. I'm not some little fairy maid that is going to come around behind him and pick up after him. I know that he was raised better then this. For the past week I've been keeping this house spotless clean and tonight since were having an argument he has to throw in my face that I don't clean. This house is not a mess and he needs to grow up and learn to get over little things. Yes I call him a retard, stupid, idiot, and other names but I can't help it. He just makes me so mad at times and that is the only way I can express how I feel is by hurting him. Blaming everything on one person is not a healthy relationship and he needs to learn that. Now he is mad that he can't read what I'm writing but this is my own personal thoughts and this is how I feel about things. I already know he would get mad at everything that is said in each of my blogs. BUT who am I suppose to turn to. I don't like talking about our marriage problems to other people because I feel its not their business and I want people to think our marriage is amazing and nothing is going on. Maybe I should just let him read this and then maybe he will understand how I feel. I'm not saying I'm perfect but he needs to realize that I'm only human and if I'm going to change then he needs to change as well.

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